Then we went to play at the "ledge". This is one of our favorite
places to go and hang out.
Kent is doing the karate kid "crane" pose.
Cute family, I set up the pose.
Kaitlin was too darling!

They are so like their mother, the pilates queen.
That must make them pilates princesses.
They do a lot of this balancing thing, on all kinds of dangerous edges.
Silly girls.
I love this wading pond, it's so interesting and unique.
Pretty day, pretty picture.
This "100" sign is new since the last time we were here.
It says, celebrate Alberta's legislature.
Oh yeah, I had that as one of the questions on my missionary
Canadian quiz, Alberta's birthday was 1912.
We didn't think quick enough, we should have brought Chris' good
camera and taken some senior pictures.
So I took some, just for fun.
It helps that she's a poser, go Kaitlin, work it.
There were all kinds of people and families playing
in the reflection pool today, it was really fun.
More pictures of Kait,
The grounds were gorgeous,
and so was this lovely couple. Gorgeous.
They looked so great and so happy. We were just as happy to
have them come up and visit us. We are so lucky and blessed
to have such good friends.
I caught Chris, just hangin'.