Today was a day that will go down in history.
Not only is it Tyler and Heather's anniversary,
it's the eleventh day of the eleventh month of
two thousand and eleven.
At eleven seconds,
eleven minutes
after eleven o'clock
There have been many once in a lifetime occurrences over
the past few years, can you think of any more?
This year alone, 1/11/11, 11/1/11
01/01/01, 02/02/02,03/03/03, 04/04/04, 05/05/05, 06/06/06,
07/07/07, 08/08/08, 09/09/09, 10/10/10
01/02/03, 6 seconds, 5 minutes after 4:00
06/05/04, 3 seconds, 2 minutes after 1:00
10/09/08, 07/06/05, 04/03/02
That is sad that it was burned on purpose. I'm glad you got to go up to see the city though and I'm glad you got some pictures of dad, its not very often that he's lets us get him in the pictures. :)